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I Wish I Knew This Before My Divorce - A Nurturing Support Group

From Pain to Powerful Self-Love

A Safe Place to Find Compassion

Let's get ready to support one another through the pain of separation and divorce. This is our space, a place where we can openly share our feelings and listen to each other without judgment. Together we'll learn that we're not alone in our struggles after a partner decides to leave. As we connect and share our stories, we'll  learn ways to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, finding solace in our journey to healing. Our intention is to form a compassionate community, offering each other the strength and encouragement to navigate through tough times and find hope for the future with new friends.


About the Group 

We created this support group using the lessons from the book, "I Wish I Knew This Before My Divorce." If you read the book's reviews, you'll see  that many have found it particularly helpful during their divorce journey. Read the reviews here.



Group Specifics

Start date: June 12, 2024 - August 14, 2024

A total of 10 sessions


Cost: $180 for registration which includes the workbook  (a total savings of $45).


For those who prefer to pay per session, the cost is $20 per session + a one time book purchase of $25. Total cost = $275 



  • Meet every Wednesdays at the Holy Cross Church from 7-9pm.

  • Refreshments before group 

  • Lesson for the week 

  • Discussion

  • Wrap-up


Facilitator: Joe Foster, book author

Place: Holy Cross Retreat Center

600 Holy Cross Rd, Mesilla Park, NM 88047


Where to call with questions: 575-652-3654


Image by Eric Ward

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